Large Aluminum Structures
All parts that are welded use parts cut on either our laser, Waterjet or turret press. This allows us the fabrication process to move more quickly and efficiently.
Aluminum is the primary metal we work with at The Metal Shop. We weld, roll, form and cut all grades of aluminum for many kinds of jobs; from fabricating structures, cutting parts from sheets to forming and rolling into shapes.
We are experts with aluminum, as 90% of our work is aluminum. Aluminum TIG welding is our primary type of welding. All parts that are welded use parts cut on either our laser, water jet or turret press. This allows us the fabrication process to move more quickly and efficiently.
When formed parts are needed we use our press brakes to complete the job. Our 3D bending and layout software can model and sequence the proper bends so we make most efficient use of the material and time.
We also have the ability to do many complex machining jobs. Used in conjunction with our laser or Waterjet we can cut large rough parts, and do the finish machining in house. This makes it very cost effective and convenient for the customer as there is no need to send the part out to someone else for machining.